
Health Street Foundation (HSF) is a nonprofit organization, established many years ago to provide solutions and treatments for health-related issues without discriminating based on caste, creed, religion, or gender. HSF also provides relief in accidents and natural calamities, such as drought, floods, and other natural disasters. They also do medical activities and organize treatment camps for the needy from time to time.

India has made rapid strides in the health sector since independence. However, various eye-opening data from NFHS indicate that access to healthcare remains a challenge. While the health statistics of rural India continue to be poor, the health status and access to health for the poor in urban slum dwellers have surfaced to be equally deplorable and have less than 4% of government primary healthcare facilities.

We are always here to provide help to individuals touched by chronic diseases. We intend to instill confidence, hope, and courage in the minds of patients and their family members. We extend our helping hand, after assessing the situation, according to the varying needs of the individuals (social, emotional, financial, or relating to information) without hurting their self-respect.

As a part of our “Healthcare to all” initiative, the trust accentuates the medical aid to the deserving. To achieve this, the trust has donated a range of medical equipment to various healthcare centers and hospitals across the country where it was not available earlier. The facilities include dialysis machines, x-ray machines, ultrasonography, and other imaging machines. These services are aimed to provide quality healthcare free of cost to deserving patients.

Besides this:

Our Medical Aid Team visits the hospitals and verifies cases to ensure speedy treatment of the patients.

To live a healthy life is what all of us wish for and access to good healthcare services is the basic human and fundamental right that all citizens of the country must be able to enjoy. Although our nation’s medical and healthcare sector is advancing and earning a valuable reputation globally, unfortunately, for some, access to good healthcare services is still a luxury. Be it due to financial crunches people might be facing in the cities or the lack of development the residents of rural areas might be facing, proper healthcare for some is still a distant dream.

HSF is a credible NGO in India for healthcare that works to bridge the gap between the healthcare services available and the people that need them. Irrespective of their caste, creed, gender, age, and background we believe each individual is worthy of living a life of good health and as an established NGO for healthcare, we envision spreading good health and happiness across the country by connecting the needy with the ones willing to help. We collect donations for accomplishing our mission of making India a country where good health thrives and prosperity arrives. We believe that the well-being of every single living being matters, hence we also work for the cause of animal welfare to improve the lives of India’s vulnerable street animals.

In all our experience of working as one of the reputed medical NGOs, we’ve understood money spent for a good cause is an investment that rewards the most, maybe not materialistically but with satisfaction and happiness. Hence, every donation we receive, be it small or big, is equally valuable and means a lot to us.

As one of the finest health NGOs in India, we try to put all our efforts towards collecting funds from reliable and credible resources, and every penny we collect is rightfully utilized for the welfare of the people that need help healthwise.A firm determination to help people is the foundation of HSF, a healthcare NGO that aims to create a difference. Trust is also a building stone that we are made of and we make sure to continue winning it with every step we take.

Good health is something that along with being a basic survival requirement is a factor that ensures a country’s sound future by helping its potential youth stay proficient. A thriving healthcare system is an economy’s silent helper toward triumph. Therefore your contribution towards it is as important as it is in other fields and HSF, a name counted amongst the most reliable healthcare NGOs in India invites you to donate and do your bit towards the nation, its citizens, and most importantly humanity. We also function as an established infrastructure NGO and work to lend the required infrastructural support to underdeveloped healthcare facilities and other institutions.

We might be privileged enough to have medical assistance easily available but there are people out there suffering and asking for help with their prayers going unheard. Even a small contribution from our side can be a blessing in disguise for someone. Therefore, we call you to join hands with us, donate and fight for an India that flourishes with good health.